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Embracing the Messy header (1)

Reflections header

Welcome to our first newsletter of 2024: Embracing the Messy...w/ Dee.

At L3 Catalyst Group, we believe in the transformational power of learning, leadership, and liberation. We are launching a monthly communication called Embracing the Messy...w/ Dee to share:

  • Reflections and learning alongside brave and badass leaders.
  • Upcoming events you can participate in...some are FREE!
  • Blog posts from brave and badass folks just like you.
  • Updates on our adventures.
  • Anything that helps grow a liberatory community.

Thanks for joining us here. We are grateful for you and look forward to disrupting inequity and building bridges with you.upcoming events header-1

Register today for upcoming events in 2024.
Monthly Conversations PromoYou are invited to join us for a free, registration-only, monthly virtual event designed to build community, share ideas, grapple together, and have conversations around themes of leadership, learning, and liberation.
Topics for the first quarter of 2024 are: 
  • January's topic: Equity and Inclusion in People Processes
    • Tuesday, January 30, 2024 at 9 PST, 10 MTN, 11 CST, 12 EST
  • February's topic - Liberatory Leadership & Teams
    • Tuesday, February 6, 2024 at 10 PST, 11 MTN, 12 CST, 1 EST
  • March's topic - Brave and Safe Spaces: What are they, and how can intentionally and bravely create spaces of psychological safety?
    • Tuesday, February 6, 2024 at 10 PST, 11 MTN, 12 CST, 1 EST
Developing Liberatory Leadership & Teams 
Cohort PromoDo you want to grow your capacity to build and maintain an equitable and inclusive organizational culture?
Join Bela Bhasin (she/her) and Deanna Rolffs (they/them) in a learning and application executive cohort to Step Bravely into Becoming a More Inclusive Leader.


Bridging the Gap: DEI for Overloaded People Leaders & Executives

Cohort Promo2Do you crave a space to be authentic and learn with other leaders to foster an inclusive and high-performing organizational culture? 
Join Courtney Simmons (she/her) of Inclusive Insight Group, and Deanna Rolffs (they/them) of L3 Catalyst Group in a five-session cohort in the Spring of 2024.
where in the world is Dee header

Updates on our adventures.

Where has Dee been lately? I spent early 2024 in a small town in the Barcelona area, resting and exploring with family and friends. A highlight was seeing the Black Madonna of Monserrat. I was reminded daily of the joy...and challenges...of traveling internationally, practicing my limited Spanish skills, relishing the beauty of nature, and appreciating the joy of connectedness. I seriously unplugged.

What type of work is L3 Catalyst Group doing currently? At L3 Catalyst Group we apply anti-oppression frameworks alongside process consulting. As 2024 launches, here are a few examples of what we've got going: facilitating retreats to grow healthy teams, developing executive board strategy, facilitating equitable organizational culture strategy and application, supporting executive leadership transitions, and developing liberatory learning and application series. Goodness, I'm grateful for trusting relationships with brilliant clients and co-consultants.

Where are L3 Catalyst Group clients located? Currently, most of our clients are located between Chicago, IL and Baltimore, MD, USA. We've worked with clients worldwide, and look forward to continued global connections with brave leaders working for liberation.

Who is the "we" in L3 Catalyst Group? More than 60% of our client engagements include co-consulting with other BIPoC and/or queer consultants. This brings synergy, and energy, and facilitates creativity. We co-create the scope of work together with clients, flexibly supporting client goals by creating the consultant team that the client most needs. It's a blast.

Do you coach leaders? Yes! Equity-focused individual and group coaching brings me so much JOY. Let me know if you'd like to chat about this. I also LOVE referring people to other coaches or consultants to help you find the right fit.  

Here's to 2024, y'all. Let's connect to co-facilitate, co-consult, or think together to dream up and facilitate spaces of liberation in ourselves and together. May you be energized and rested for the journey. 

Peace and justice,


Dee (Deanna) Rolffs (they/them)
Post by Dee (Deanna) Rolffs (they/them)
January 3, 2024
Dee (Deanna) Rolffs (they/them), Owner & Principal Consultant at L3 Catalyst Group, is a coach, strategist, facilitator, and change agent applying the Process Consulting approach with anti-oppression and liberatory frameworks. Specializing in crisis and change leadership, they support brave and badass leaders and teams illuminate underlying issues, infuse learning, envision a just future, and walk a transformational path forward. Dee is committed to equitable systemic outcomes, healthy humans, and thriving teams. Dee serves on the board of the Grand Rapids Pride Center, is messily learning to practice medition, and is always up for truth telling about oppression and living life in liberatory joy.
